Power of Attorney (sample) 未成年人委托书

20-5-28 下午5:11 作者:scau 【

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To apply for Student Visa Application Form (JW202 Form), you need to submit the ORIGINAL COPY of Power of Attorney since you are under 18 years old.

1. Firstly, applicants' parents need to find a Chinese people who is the registered permanent resident of Guangzhou to be your legal guardian when you are under the age of 18 in China.

2. Applicants' parents need prepare an authority letter including the details, such as ID number, passport name of your Chinese guardian, and the signature of your parents. Then, take it to the Chinese Embassy to get it authorized and stamped. Then post the authorized one (the embassy should put a green label on it) to Office of International Students, CIE, SCAU.


1. 申请者父母需要找到一个拥有广州户口的中国成年人,在你18岁之前作为你在中国的合法监护人。

2. 申请者父母需要准备未成年人委托书,委托书需要包含一下信息:例如身份证号,中国监护人的护照姓名,以及你父母的签名等。然后,拿到中国大使馆公证,最后将原件邮寄到华南农业大学国际教育学院留学生办公室。